This narrative, however, glosses over
some interesting moments in the margins. It fails, for example, to look
historically at these rates. Since the RGB began using a range for their preliminary vote
in 2004, the average range has been 2.89% – 5.14% for 1-year leases, and 5.1% –
7.69% for 2-year leases. Last night’s vote resulted in an uncommonly high
The public narrative also fails to interrogate
the source of these approved preliminary guidelines. As the Chair stated during
the vote, they come straight out of the Price
Index of Operating Costs (PIOC) report, which closes with a sample set of
guidelines that would keep landlords profits steady. Readers of the Rent
Guidelines Blog know that we are critical of the PIOC’s centrality in Board
decisions- it is just one report produced by RGB staff, and it is not in and of
itself an accurate measure of landlord costs. As
discussed earlier, it is simply a measure of prices, not costs.
The PIOC names a “‘Net Revenue’
Commensurate Adjustment with Vacancy Increase”, which is an estimate of how
much rents would have to rise to keep landlords’ Net Operating Incomes steady,
with the assumption that some percentage of tenants will leave and the
landlords will receive vacancy bonuses. What would that increase be? 3.25% for1-year leases, and 6.25% for 2-year leases, exactly the low-end of the increase
proposed by the Board Chair and approved by all of the public members. The PIOC
also names a “‘Net Revenue’ Commensurate Adjustment”, assuming no vacancy
bonuses will be taken by the landlord. This figure is listed as 5% for 1-year
leases, and 9% for 2-year leases. The high end of the range voted on last night
comes directly from these figures: 5% for 1-year leases, and 9.5% for 2-years.
(It is not at all clear, however, why the Board voted to grant the landlords an
extra half percent on the high end of the 2-year lease range.)
After months of public meetings,
pouring over scores of data and debating their merits, the board settled on the
figures provided for them in the PIOC to keep landlords whole. What about the Income and
Affordability study, which outlined the woeful
economic circumstances for tenants? What about the Income and
Expense study, which showed rising
revenues for landlords in an otherwise stagnant economy? What about the Mortgage
Survey, which showed a
healthy market for buying and selling rent stabilized properties? What
about the report
from the Furman Center, which spoke to the crises
facing thousands of tenants after Hurricane Sandy? What about the
testimonies from Bobby Sackman, Tom
Waters, Gregory Lobo Jost and Barika Williams, which spoke both to tenant
hardships and opportunities for landlords to reduce costs at no expense to
tenants? For that matter, what about the landlord’s testimony, which confirmed
that the vast majority of rent stabilized apartments are owned by very large
real estate companies, often controlled by private equity? All of these factors
should have pointed to a lower preliminary guideline. The fact that the Board
voted on the numbers straight out of the PIOC, and even inflated them slightly,
is discouraging to tenants and their advocates.
It is also interesting that this year’s
range starts at a rate higher than
last year’s final guideline, all but assuring a rise in the rate of rent
increases for 2013. Even if they disagree on the merits of a rent freeze, it is
disappointing that the board seems to have foreclosed on the possibility of a
lower rent increase this year.
the Board Chair rejected amendments from both owner and tenant representatives
to carve out more specific guidelines. The owner representatives, as usual,
proposed a “supplemental rent increase,” imposing a disproportionate rent
increase on lower rent apartments. As CSS’
testimony shows, this increase falls primarily on low income tenants, and
can therefore be characterized as a poor tax. We commend the Chair for
rejecting this supplemental increase, and urge the Board to reject it at its
final vote in June.
Board also rejected provisos from the tenant members, which would have limited
rent increases to buildings with a solid majority of rent stabilized
apartments. Buildings that are 60% or more market rate, they argued, do not
need RGB rent increases to meet expenses. This proviso was also rejected as a
matter of procedure- the Chair decided that provisos will only be heard at the
final vote, after tenants and owners have had a chance to testify before the
board. We therefore encourage tenants to talk about how much of their building
they believe has been decontrolled, and we encourage board members to ask
landlords what percent of their stock is subject to rent regulation.
This year's preliminary vote established a historically high range of rates. We urge the board,
in its internal deliberations and its final vote, to consider establishing the
lowest possible guideline.
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