We are very excited to welcome the newest addition to the
Rent Guidelines Board: Tenant Representative Harvey Epstein. Mr. Epstein is
widely respected in his field as a thoughtful, strategic and passionate
advocate for
New York City
tenants and low wage workers. In a
profile of
his career thus far, the New York Times described him as “a lawyer for the
dispossessed.” He is the Associate Director of the
Urban Justice Center, and
Director of their
Development Project, which provides legal, research and technical support
to grassroots organizations throughout the city. (An excellent example of their
work is a recently released report, created in conjunction with
Bronx housing advocates CASA, entitled
“Tipping the Scales: A
Report of Tenant Experiences in Bronx Housing Court.”) Before joining the
Urban Justice
Center, he worked at
Housing Conservation Coordinators,
The Legal Aid Society, and
Legal Services. We look forward to Mr. Epstein’s active participation on
the Rent Guidelines Board, starting at tomorrow morning’s Public Meeting!
We would also like to take this opportunity to once again
thank Adriene Holder, the longest serving tenant representative in RGB history,
who stepped down from the Board this year. Ms. Holder’s work on the board was
exemplary, and her commitment to tenants is unending. We look forward to
continuing to work with her in her ongoing role as Attorney-in-Charge at the Legal
Aid Society’s Civil Practice.
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