With one quick vote, the 2013 New
York City Rent Guidelines Board process came to a close Thursday night, with the
board approving apartment increases of 4% for one year leases and 7.75% for two year leases, with a rent freeze imposed for Single Room Occupancy
For those of tenants who have
engaged with the process for the past third of a year, it was a startling end
and a disappointing result.
In the media narrative and in the
popular imagination, the RGB’s final vote is a raucous and chaotic battle
between ever-warring constituencies, representing contentious democracy at its best or
worst (depending on the perspective). This is a myth. The vote is shockingly
dull, and executed with an efficiency born of repetition.
The scene Thursday was
ritualistic: the tenant members proposed a low increase; the owner members
proposed a high increase; the public members voted unanimously in between the
two, appearing as magnanimously Solomonic in the process. The press played its
part, reporting equally on the tenants’ and landlord’s frustrations with the result. When the vote was over, landlord representatives spoke to reporters, lit cigars, and posed for pictures with Jimmy McMillan.
The result of this process,
however, in anything but dull- it is a recurring regressive redistribution of
wealth from tenants to landlords. This year’s increase will be particularly
painful. At 4% and 7.75%, the rent hike is not only the largest since before the
recession, as reported in the press, but is also higher than the average
increase under RGB Chair Jonathan Kimmel (3% and 5.88%, including the 2013 guidelines), higher than the
average increase for the much-maligned former Board chair Marvin Markus (3.44%
and 6.38%), and in fact higher than the average RGB increase for the board’s
entire history (3.3% and 5.84%).
If there is any silver lining to
the vote, it is that the Board rejected landlords’ calls for a “supplemental” or
“minimum dollar” increase, which would have disproportionately stressed the
budgets of low income and senior tenants. Tenant advocates wonder, however, if
they are being forced into a pattern of relatively low increases with
pro-landlord provisos (like the 2012 vote) followed by high increases without
them (as we saw this year).
The board also chose to freeze
rents completely for SROs, dispensing with the usual provision that the rent
freeze applies only to buildings with a certain percentage of occupied SRO
units. This is a victory for SRO tenants and their advocates, and it should be
The SRO rent freeze should not,
however, overshadow the impact the Board’s apartment increases will have on an
estimated 2.5 million tenants throughout the city. In addition to being a
mid-recession transfer of income from renters to property owners, this rent
increase will be another constraining factor on New Yorkers’ ability to make ends meet.
It will force many to chose between rent and other necessities of life, not to
mention the less vital aspects of commerce that keep the city running. It is
certainly no stimulus to our depressive economy.
The high increase will also
encourage many tenants to sign one year leases, rather than two. Even though a
two year lease presents tenants with a slight (.25%) benefit over a one year
lease, many low income tenants will not be able to shoulder the up-front costs
of a 7.75% increase. This adds an additional layer of regression to the 2013
guidelines, as those most equipped to save with a two year increase are those
most able to pay higher up-front costs- i.e. higher income or higher net-wealth
Finally, this increase cements
the Board’s image as a guarantor of landlord profits. Whether by inertia or
design, the Board has repeatedly chosen to increase rents to cover for any
perceived fluctuations in the cost of running a rent stabilized apartment. This
should not be a forgone conclusion; given that landlords have many ways of
making profit off their buildings- everything from commercial rents to cell
phone towers to the dreaded Major Capital Improvement- there is no need to
continuously fall back on renewal lease rent increases to recoup landlords for
any change in costs. The board must also rethink the way it calculates these
costs, as numerous reports have shown that the Price Index of Operating Costs-
the board’s main tool for estimating prices for goods purchased by landlords-
seems to overstate real expenses. Whether that is because landlords find a way
to economize their purchases or because the prices are overstated, we do not
know. All we know is that the price data overshoots the expense data, and is
leading Board members to vote for inflated guidelines.
Next year will bring in a new
Mayoral administration, and with it a new Rent Guidelines Board. Fixing this
broken institution should be a major priority for the next Mayor, both in terms
of making responsible appointments and rethinking the Prince Index of Operating
Costs. The Mayor should also call on the next Board Chair to hold more public
hearings at times and places convenient to the majority of rent stabilized
tenants, and present a full accounting of the Board’s decision to the City
Council and the public at large. While it is the State Legislature that has the
power to rewrite the rules regarding the RGB, it is in the Mayor’s power to
change the culture of the Board. Elected officials have spoken out against these
increases, and called for Board to change its ways (see examples here, here, and here). Tenants have made their voices heard
throughout this process, whether at the People’s RGB, the formal public hearing,
or the vote itself. We all know this system flawed; the process must be
reconsidered before the board meets again in 2014.
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