At last week’s RGB public meeting, one recurring question
from board members was: how many rent stabilized apartments were damaged by
Hurricane Sandy? HPD’s Assistant Commissioner for Government Affairs and Research
Christopher Gonzalez posited that 16,000 subsidized housing units were affected
by the storm, but, as we know, rent stabilization is not a subsidy program. It
is likely these subsidized apartments were in Mitchell-Lama, tax-credit and
supportive housing developments.
Rent stabilized housing:
The Furman
Center estimates that 839 rent stabilized buildings, containing
41,102 apartments, are located in the storm surge area. (Rent stabilized
buildings are defined as any building containing one or more rent stabilized
apartment.) Though they account for just
1.1% of buildings, they house 13.6% of residents in the area. This makes rent stabilized tenants the
second largest group affected by the storm, behind residents of 2 to 4
family buildings.
Extent of damage:
The city’s evacuation zone encompasses over 270,000 residential
buildings, which contain more than 1 million apartments. Of those,
approximately 300,000 apartments in 76,000 buildings were directly impacted by
the storm. This accounts for about 9% of the city’s housing stock.
While damage to single-family homes has dominated media
coverage of the storm and its aftermath, the Furman Center
reports that 70% of damaged apartments
are in large buildings. The vast majority of residential buildings in the
storm surge area were built before 1974, the current cut-off year for rent
stabilization. (The plurality of buildings in the surge area- 21%- were built
in the 1960s.)
Impact on tenants:
After the storm, over 150,000 households in New York City registered
with FEMA for assistance. It is widely speculated that, due to a lack of
information or fears over immigration status and other legal questions, many
affected households did not sign up for assistance. The number of FEMA-registered
households accounts for half of the households in the surge area, and four
percent of the city as a whole. A
majority of registered Sandy victims are tenants, with 45% representing
home owners and landlords.
The Furman
Center points out that
FEMA’s assistance program is focused largely on single family homes. This makes
little sense for New York City,
where the vast majority of residents are tenants in multi-family buildings. Even in the storm surge area, only
10% of households live in single-family homes, and less than 20% live in 2 to 4
family homes.
The dearth of federal resources for multi-family housing will
not impact tenants and landlords equally. Among
those registered with FEMA, average income for landlords was $82,000; for
tenants, it’s just $18,000. Two-thirds of tenants have household incomes under
$30,000. (This represents a significantly lower average income than the
city as a whole; city-wide, 41.6% of tenants make less than $30,000.) Sandy victims also tend to
be older than the city as a whole, with seniors living alone accounting for
12.1% of all affected households. This storm severely hurt low income and
senior tenants.
The takeaway:
Furman Center’s research dispels the myth that
single family homeowners were the group most affected by the storm, and
refocuses attention on low income tenants, many of whom are rent stabilized.
The hurricane dealt a devastating blow to renters, who were thrust into deep insecurity
and had to pay enormous costs for replacement housing, damaged items, and lost
bore the brunt of the storm’s impact, and should not have to suffer another
rent increase on top of all the additional costs they have incurred. Preserving
housing affordability is of the utmost importance, with more tenants in search
of replacement apartments and fewer low rent apartments available. The Furman Center
“Given the extremely low incomes of the renters
claiming damages, they are particularly at-risk of being unable to locate new
housing that is affordable to them. In normal times, the overall amount of housing
affordable to these households is limited – indeed, just 22 percent of rental
units in New York City
are affordable to households whose annual income is below $30,000. Finding
replacement housing for these families is likely to be a long-term challenge
for New York City
if they cannot stay in their homes.”